Down the Climate Change Escalator: Bill Collins (7/31/2018)
Climate Change is Here. Now What? (6/20/2016)
Pathways for Bending the Curve with William Collins: UC Carbon and Climate Neutrality Summit (1/22/2016)
UC Voices on Climate Solutions: UC Carbon and Climate Neutrality Summit (12/13/2015)
William Collins, Juliann Allison, Maximilian Auffhammer: UC Carbon and Climate Neutrality Summit (12/6/2015)
Science of Climate Change - Water, Climate, and Society: Challenges and Strategies in a Rapidly Changing World (1/6/2014)
How Hot will it Get? - Science at the Theater (9/16/2013)
The Future of the Earth’s Climate: Frontiers in Forecasting (10/1/2007)
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