Perspectives on a Post-COVID-19 Economy: Emerging Issues in Finance

8/3/2020; 91 minutes

Financial experts and UC Davis alumni Wylie Tollette, Dan Griggs and Mike Kourey join UC Davis Professor of Finance Ayako Yasuda for a dynamic discussion on the pandemics impact on specific industries, the economic recovery and the most valuable skills people can bring to this job market. They discuss the unique factors leading to this recession and spike in unemployment, as well as the industries that are best positioned for the recovery. They say that the COVID-19 disruption can spur innovation, and historically many great startups launched during economic downturns. Job seekers have new opportunities to branch out and gain experience in an industry that may have been out of reach before the pandemic. Griggs warned that companies not focused on digital transformation could suffer longer and are less likely to recover quickly following the downturn. Recorded on 05/12/2020. (#36211)

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