Mark Bradford: What Hath God Wrought - Stuart Collection at UC San Diego

3/11/2022; 2 minutes

A 199-foot tall metal flag-pole-like sculpture is mounted with a flashing light which playfully spells out "What Hath God Wrought" in Morse Code. The titular phrase is notably the first message Samuel Morse tested and transmitted across 41 miles in 1844. The sculpture reflects both the origins of the university as well as the origins of present-day communications: Morse Code is at the root of our contemporary era of information exchange, where communication travels instantaneously. Morse's good-humored, secular message is interpreted thoughtfully by Mark Bradford and aligned with the artist's expansive work depicting communities and reflecting on our shared cultural history. With this epic artwork, Bradford explores the physical means behind past and present-day communication that underlines his greater practice. (#37825)

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