Bee'ing Thoughtful in Consulting: Humblebee LLC (Date: 11/16/2020)
Fighting Food Waste: OLIO (Date: 11/14/2020)
AIM2Flourish: The Intersection of Inquiry and Sustainability (Date: 11/2/2020)
Protecting Privacy While Sharing Biomedical Data for Machine Learning (Date: 10/23/2020)
Research Ethics: Uncertainty Reproducibility and Truth in Science (Date: 9/1/2020)
The Deep Learning Revolution (Date: 5/21/2020)
Interests of Society or Rights of Individuals? Promises and Challenges of Social Media and Big Data (Date: 3/20/2020)
Artificially Intelligent Models of Cancer for Precision Diagnosis and Treatment - Exploring Ethics (Date: 2/22/2020)
Technology and Research on Healthy Aging (Date: 1/30/2020)
How Do We Know Humans are Impacting the Health of Our Planet? - Exploring Ethics (Date: 1/27/2020)
How Bad Are E-cigarettes? - Exploring Ethics (Date: 12/21/2019)
Your Genetic Privacy in the Big Data Era - Exploring Ethics (Date: 11/23/2019)
Changemakers Leading with Kindness and Compassion - Global Empowerment Summit 2019 (Date: 11/14/2019)
Sensory Implications of Brain Organoids with Patricia Churchland (Date: 11/8/2019)
Neural Organoids Are Not Brains in Vats with Evan Thompson (Date: 11/8/2019)
Consciousness in Cerebral Organoids - How Would We Know? with Christof Koch (Date: 11/2/2019)
The Current Status of Human Brain Organoids Research with Alysson Muotri (Date: 11/1/2019)
If Researchers Find a Tumor Should They Tell You? - Exploring Ethics (Date: 10/28/2019)
What is in the Air We Breathe? - Exploring Ethics (Date: 6/26/2019)
Neanderthal Among Us? Science Meets Fiction - A Discussion of Tim Disney's Motion Picture William (Date: 6/8/2019)
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