How I Learned What I Learned: Using Interaction Orders to Study Troubled Interactions (Date: 11/20/2024)
Is the U-shaped Happiness Trajectory a Human Universal? (Date: 9/24/2024)
Disenchantment of the World with Philip Gorski (Date: 9/10/2024)
Cannibalism Warfare And Food Shortages In Renaissance Rome (Date: 1/19/2024)
Navigating Challenges in Genomics and Patient Advocacy (Date: 8/12/2023)
Machinery of Human Memory with Richard Atkinson (Date: 8/2/2023)
What Makes a Community? (Date: 7/30/2023)
Exploring Modern Communities (Date: 7/5/2023)
Exploring Biases in Anthropology: Rethinking Eurocentric Perspectives (Date: 6/8/2023)
How Modern Slavery Touches Everyone (Date: 5/15/2023)
How Modern Slavery Impacts the Environment (Date: 5/5/2023)
Finding the Common Good with Michael Sandel (Date: 4/13/2023)
The Status Quo Loves To Say No: Disability Rights and the Battle Against Structures of Exclusion (Date: 1/23/2023)
Is Parental Leave Costly for Parents and Co-Workers? (Date: 10/14/2022)
Reading Old Age (Date: 10/7/2022)
Conversation with Sallyswag (Date: 10/5/2022)
Community Engagement: Transforming Graduate Education in the Humanities (Date: 9/23/2022)
Design at Large: Housing Justice and Urban Design (Date: 8/4/2022)
Design at Large: Climate Risk Reduction and Technology (Date: 8/2/2022)
Triton Talks: Fighting Forward Through Public Service (Date: 7/19/2022)
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