CARTA: Unique Features of Human Skin – Skin, a Window into the Evolution of the Human Super-Organism; Human Skin: Sweating, Thermoregulation, and Water Balance; Evolution of Hair Follicles, Mammary Glands, and Sweat Glands in Humans and Other Mammals

12/16/2015; 57 minutes

This symposium brings together scientists representing evolutionary biology, genetics, dermatology, anthropology, and physiology to share their knowledge and questions about human skin in an explicitly evolutionary framework. UC San Diego's Richard Gallo begins with a discussion about Skin, a Window into the Evolution of the Human Super-Organism, followed by Michael Sawka on Human Skin: Sweating, Thermoregulation, and Water Balance, and Sarah Millar on Evolution of Hair Follicles, Mammary Glands, and Sweat Glands in Humans and Other Mammals. (#30206)

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