Lessons for Our Youth: Chicana/o Activism in the Vietnam War Era (Date: 2/27/2015)
Nice Jewish Girls - Radicals Activists and Rabbis (Date: 9/24/2014)
Here Be Pirates: The First Citizen Scientists -- The Library Channel (Date: 8/11/2014)
Cesar Chavez and the Farmworker Movement (Date: 6/3/2014)
The Brick People (Date: 2/3/2014)
Free Angela and All Political Prisoners (Date: 1/13/2014)
Books That Changed America with Jay Parini -- Dinner in the Library (Date: 10/14/2013)
The Unwinding with George Packer - Conversations with History (Date: 8/5/2013)
Contraception at the Tea Party: The Politics of Women's Health (Date: 10/5/2012)
Searching for Democracy: The Culture of Civic Conversation (Date: 9/19/2011)
Searching for Democracy: Present - Pluralistic Society (Date: 9/12/2011)
Searching for Democracy: Present - An Engaged Society (Date: 9/12/2011)
Searching for Democracy: Present - An Informed Society (Date: 9/12/2011)
Searching for Democracy: In the Past - An Informed Society (Date: 9/5/2011)